When I heard that Atrocitus, leader of the Red Lantern Corps, had booked a session, I admit that I had my doubts. No, that’s not entirely true. When I heard… more
In business there is a lot said about repeat customers: finding them, recognizing them, and making the most out of their patronage. As has been previously noted (in nearly every… more
Shooting on location is something that has never really come easy for me. I spend the majority of my time in the studio where the lights shine exactly where I… more
Another week, another studio session with a superhero. This time is going to be different. No more supervillains. No more wrecked studio. No more not getting paid. This week, and… more
Maintaining a photoblog is my way of practicing photography. Oh sure, I take lots of pictures. I edit some of them. I post even fewer. But what does get posted… more
I’ve got to stop letting supervillains in. This week, Larfleeze (the Orange Lantern) stopped by, clutching a stack of prints from Sinestro’s shoot. “These! I want these!” My assistant, Reflector,… more
In blackest day, in brightest night, Beware your fears made into light. Let those who try to stop what’s right, Burn like my power… Sinestro’s might! I used to have… more
Ok, ok. Ok! Oh. Kay. Put the swords away and I’ll take your picture! Just stand over there. Yes, where the X is. What are you looking for? The big… more
“They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That’s how Dad… more
Earlier this year, I had a mini-rebellion where I struggled against my style and tried to push myself outside of my comfort zone. While I am really happy with how… more
So last week’s shot was kind of quiet. Dramatic lighting, yes. Cool muted colors, yes. Loud? No. Today’s shot is all about bringing the noise, or bringing the ruckus, if… more
We don’t talk about the first time Nathan Spencer stopped by for a photo shoot. Let’s just say it didn’t go well. This time, however, I was invited on a… more
A few years ago, my friend Chanh convinced me to read the novels based around the Halo franchise, and they were… ok. Fun reading, no heavy lifting required. I mean,… more
Gears of War, like most shooter games, is something I am terrible at. I really enjoy the setting and the character designs, but put a controller in my sweaty hands… more
Blah. That’s how I feel about this week’s photo. It isn’t a bad shot, mind. It just doesn’t… pop for me and I don’t know why. It’s well within the… more