About Me
By day I am a photographer, specializing in portraiture. I think. Or maybe it’s product photography. Still life? Still product portraiture? Ok, hold on. This has already gotten away from me.
Hi, I’m David Mathis, a photographer living/working in Chicago. I take pictures of action figures, dolls, toys, statues, busts, and scale models. My “clients” range from comic book superheros to video game characters to Dungeons & Dragons pewter figurines: the more fantastic they are, the happier I am to shoot them, and that’s exactly what that draws me to shoot the things I shoot. It isn’t like I can just catch a bus to Gotham City and ask Batman for a headshot or fly out to Halo for a session with Master Chief. These pictures are my way to play with people’s expectation of a photograph, where the viewer can really lose themselves in the image and not have to worry about whether or not Spider-Man is a real thing. So please sit back, relax, and enjoy!